What does my colleague Krichbaum in Berlin say, who apparently has very good contacts the assistant of the Albanian dictator Rama, Lulzim Basha, and who explicitly praised the dictator Rama for his election successes, which came about through manipulated elections, and his successes in developing the rule of law and democracy, thus his suitability for the EU , although the rule of law and democracy in Albania have been dysfunctional since 2018, a democratic electoral law does not exist, 1.4 million Albanians have left the country since Rama came to power in 2013, 1.7 million Albanians have remained, freedom of the press is severely restricted according to Reporters Without Borders.
What are dictator Rama’s new plans?
Will there soon be another press release from Berlin praising:
- the administration’s arbitrary cancellation of important plenary sessions of parliament in the middle of the night, at its own discretion and without consultation?
- the administration’s refusal to allow the pro-Western opposition, which has initiated a committee of inquiry in the Albanian parliament to investigate government corruption in the healthcare sector, to attend ongoing sessions?
- that lists of Albanian intellectuals, pro-Western opposition politicians, artists, scientists, journalists, lawyers and judges are being compiled with curricula vitae and proposals for further action against these critics of the regime are being developed.
It would be desirable if the EU and the USA would also reconsider their position towards Albania.
The Rama regime should be made aware of the expectations of its foreign partners, and the consequences should be made clear to it publicly and in no uncertain terms.
It is doubtful whether the regime is representing interests other than its own.
The regime Rama has no legitimacy and does not represent the interests of the Albanian nation, nor the interests of the Albanian citizens, nor the interests of Albania’s partners.
It is five minutes to midnight in Albania.